Nov 11, 2022

If you’re planning to buy a new car, saving for a vehicle can initially be overwhelming. When you carefully plan for budgeting for vehicle expenses, including a down payment, insurance, and other costs, you’ll find great options and helpful experts to assist you at your local Volkswagen dealership in Silver Spring, MD. You can also view our monthly new car specials by clicking here!



4 Ways Maryland Car Owners Can Start Budgeting for Vehicle Purchase Costs in Silver Spring, MD

1.    Set a BudgetAuto Financing | Silver Spring, MD

Setting a reasonable and affordable budget is essential if you’re ready to save for a new car. Generally, it’s best to put aside ten to twenty percent of your income in a separate account until you have enough for a down payment. It’s also important to consider the ongoing costs of a new car, which can average around twenty percent of your monthly income.


 If you can save more than twenty percent each pay period, you should be able to save faster and have more funds to pay towards your ideal vehicle.




2.    Focus on the Down Payment

When you have a substantial amount for a down payment, this is a great advantage that helps reduce what’s left of the purchase, which is more affordable to finance. A large down payment gives you more options, including models with premium features and accessories.


 If you focus on the initial payment to purchase your new vehicle, you’ll find the process of budgeting much easier in the future for financing, insurance, repairs, and fuel costs. If you have any questions, contact our finance managers for more guidance on how to get more bang for your buck! 




3.    Consider Trade-in Options

Do you have an older car you’re willing to trade in to purchase a new vehicle? Many car owners can benefit from trading in a car, along with a down payment, to significantly reduce the overall purchase of a new car. 



It’s also an excellent option when negotiating costs, financing options, and additional features. Trading in your car gives you a more significant advantage when discussing loan terms and other options.



4.    Use an Affordability Calculator

If you’re ready to plan the purchase of your new car, an affordability calculator can help you budget for a vehicle purchase. You’ll find many online calculators, free of charge, that provide you with the tools to determine your ideal price range for a new car.


This calculator will include various factors in the purchase, including your down payment, finance rate, loan terms, and trade-in value, if applicable.



 There are plenty of great budgeting tools and strategies that make it easy to save for the purchase of a new vehicle. Come see us at DARCARS Volkswagen and find out what we have to offer you from our fantastic showroom on your next drive to town. We offer great financing options and maintenance plans for all your budget and lifestyle needs.