Nov 4, 2022

Defensive driving can mean the difference between life and death. Awareness on the road can reduce the likelihood of collisions and help you save on costs related to vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption. If you’re in Silver Spring, MD, and are looking for tips for becoming a better driver, we are here to help you!

1.    Remain Focused

With the days of take-away food and social media on the rise, distracted driving is becoming increasingly common. Recent data from the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration shows that distracted driving in the U.S. takes away eight lives a day and is responsible for 14% of all reported vehicle collisions.

The best way to remain focused on the road is to minimize distractions. Choose an awesome playlist before starting your drive. Make sure to have your GPS directions loaded before you hit the road. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode to reduce temptations from notifications. Remember, it only takes one second for an accident to happen.

2.    Use Safety Devices

Investing in a car with a high safety rating could mean saving money and lives down the line. Look for vehicles with efficient airbags, traction control, and brake assist. A car with more safety features will respond much better to an emergency than a car with fewer safety features. And, of course, always remember to buckle up.

3.    Keep Your Distance

Studies have shown that recognizing and responding to a hazard takes anywhere from 1 to 3 seconds. The National Safety Council recommends a minimum following distance of three seconds. Measuring the following distance is easy. Choose a marker for the car ahead of you to pass and then see how long it takes for you to pass the same mark.

The three-second rule is recommended when road conditions are perfect. You should increase the following distance to four seconds when visibility is low.

4.    Control Your Emotions

Driving can be mentally draining and emotional. Research from The AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety found that almost 80% of drivers affirmed they had experienced extreme anger, aggression, or road rage while driving. Aggressive driving can lead to honking, yelling, and purposeful tailgating. These actions lead to distracted driving, and you already know what distracted driving can lead to.

Do not act out on your feelings if you are feeling road rage. Try to regain focus on the road, even if it means taking a break to regulate your emotions. If you are responding to a driver with road rage, keep your distance and remember not to take it personally. Vengeance is not worth risking your safety for.

When it comes to driving safely, you should not take any chances. With the safety features of the 2023 Volkswagen Atlas, you can feel confident while on the road. Visit us at DARCARS Volkswagen to see what’s in stock!