Mar 31, 2023

Without the lubricating qualities of motor oil, your engine will soon lose power, overheat, and seize up. But even the most durable of synthetic oils break down over time. The intense heat and pressure of the engine gradually degrade the oil, spoil its chemical composition, and cause it to become contaminated, which is why motor oil frequently needs to be refreshed. Here’s how often you should have an oil change in Silver Spring, MD, or anywhere else.



When to Get an Oil Change? Check with Your Volkswagen Dealer

Change Oil Twice a Year on AverageOil CHange | Silver Spring, MD

As a rule of thumb, modern synthetic motor oil should be refreshed every six months. But check your owner’s manual to see what the manufacturer recommends for your particular make and model.


If you drive a great deal more than the average driver, you’ll need to change your oil more frequently as well. It’s not recommended to drive more than 7,500 or 10,000 miles before refreshing motor oil.



Driving Conditions in Silver Spring, MD

Some driving conditions also take a more significant toll on both a car’s engine and its oil. Heavy stop-and-go traffic causes additional strain, so if you frequently commute during rush hour in downtown Silver Spring, you might need to consider changing your oil three or four times a year instead of two.


 Handling steep uphill roads in mountainous terrain can also wear down motor oil faster. But the predominantly flat roads of Silver Spring are unlikely to be giving your car that kind of challenge unless you frequently drive to the nearby mountainous areas in western Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia.



Driving Habits That Strain Car Engines

Certain driving habits also cause motor oil to wear down faster. If you spend much time driving off-road or on dusty, unpaved roads, the engine undergoes more stress. Towing heavy trailers or carrying heavy loads gives the engine far more work.


Regularly making short trips under five miles also creates problems for the engine and oil. A very short drive doesn’t give your oil time to warm up properly to its optimal lubricating temperature. Neither does it generate enough heat to help evaporate contaminants. So if you have any of these driving habits, it’s best to change your oil more frequently to keep your engine in tip-top condition.



Signs Your Oil Needs To Be Refreshed

The primary result of aging motor oil is overheating. The engine temperature gauge on your dashboard creeping up into the red will notify you of this. Never ignore this warning sign, as an overheating engine can rapidly begin to break down.


 Visit DARCARS Volkswagen today to have your oil changed. We offer a broad range of top-notch VW vehicles and excellent customer service.