Jun 17, 2022

We know it’s a great feeling now that you’ve passed the final test and you’re holding your brand-new driver’s permit in hand. You have a whole life ahead of you to enjoy as a driver. We’d like to share some advice we offer to all new drivers in Silver Spring, MD.



3 Top Tips for New Drivers in Silver Spring, MD

Don’t Drink and DriveYoung Driver in Car | Silver Spring, MD

Alcohol and driving don’t mix ever. To be a good driver, you have to use all of your senses, and you need to have good reflexes. Sound and careful judgment of situations and distance are essential, as you often have to anticipate what might happen while driving. If you drink alcohol and then get behind the wheel, you no longer have any of the requirements for a good driver.


Alcohol affects your senses, and your eyesight and hearing can become distorted. It slows your reflexes, even though it may seem that your reflexes are still sharp. Judging distance from other vehicles and pedestrians is reduced if a driver has been drinking, and the ability to anticipate what might happen disappears. To keep yourself safe and prevent harm to others, it’s essential never to drink and drive.


Don’t Speed

Every driver is tempted to drive just a little faster at some time or another. You may be late for an appointment or just be distracted and not realize your traveling speed. Some drivers even think speed is okay if there are no other vehicles or pedestrians around. Regardless of the reason, speeding is something to avoid at all costs.


The speed limits throughout Maryland have been carefully calculated and are legally enforceable. If you speed, you risk a ticket ranging from $80 to $500, depending on your traveling speed. Speeding also makes it more difficult to control your car, especially if traveling in wet or snowy conditions. It’s better to be late for an appointment than risk an accident, a ticket, or both.



Enjoy Yourself

When you learn to drive, there are many things you’re told not to do. We’ve listed two of the most important ones above. It can seem that driving involves only negative things, like “don’t do this” or “don’t do that,” but that’s not the case. The rules you’ve learned are intended to keep you, other drivers, and pedestrians safe. If you follow the rules, driving should be a positive and fun experience.


After all the time you’ve spent studying and preparing, first for your learner and finally for your driver’s permit, you’ve reached your goal. It’s a reason to feel proud of your achievement. Driving is one of life’s pleasures and provides you with freedom. You no longer have to be just a passenger; you’re now a licensed driver.


If you’d like some more tips, come in and see us at DARCARS Volkswagen. We’re always happy to meet a new driver.